What are varicose veins?

September | 2022

Dilated veins that appear as bulging veins and are purplish-blue are known as varicose veins. Common causes of varicose veins are aging, lack of exercise, and pregnancy. Varicose veins should not be ignored as they can cause complications such as pain, fatigue, swelling and rupture and should be treated with best varicose veins treatment available.

Varicose veins rupture due to increased venous pressure, especially near the legs and ankles, and venous valve failure and the effects of gravity can make the pressure as high as arterial blood pressure. Increased venous pressure in varicose veins causes the vein walls to stretch, weaken, and become more prone to sudden rupture. Ruptured varicose veins can cause bleeding into tissues.

Varicose Veins Symptoms are:

  • Blue or dark purple veins.
  • Twisted and bulging veins.
  • Pain when standing or sitting for long periods of time.
  • Bleeding from a vein.
  • Swelling, throbbing, burning, muscle spasms.


A test called venous Doppler ultrasound of the legs is recommended to diagnose varicose veins. Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive test. It uses sound waves to monitor the flow of blood through the valves of veins. This helps detect blood clots. manipulation or other intervention.


A surgeon injects a solution or foam into the varicose veins to scar and close these veins.

Multiple injections into the same vein may be necessary. This procedure does not require anesthesia.

Laser treatment

Laser therapy sends a powerful flash of light into your veins, causing them to slowly fade and disappear. No incisions or needles are used.

In an intravenous procedure, a very small amount of intravenous glue is inserted into a vein through a small catheter. When the affected vein becomes blocked, blood is quickly diverted to other healthy veins in the leg. Unlike other treatments, venaseal does not require local nerve blocks or heavy anesthesia. In addition, no medication is required before treatment, and you can return to your daily life immediately after treatment. Unlike heat-based procedures such as intravenous laser or radiofrequency ablation, there is no risk of skin burns or nerve damage with Benaseal. Venaseal does not require immediate follow-up treatment with pain relievers or uncomfortable stockings.


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